Zitate von Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Before the Roman came to Rye or out to Severn strode, The rolling English drunkard made the rolling English road. A reeling road, a rolling road, that rambles round the shire, And after him the parson ran, the sexton and the squire; A merry road, a mazy road, and such as we did tread The night we went to Birmingham by way of Beachy Head.

Informationen über Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Journalist, Poet, Erzähler, kreierte die Detektivrolle "Pater Brown" (England, 1874 - 1936).

Gilbert Keith Chesterton · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Gilbert Keith Chesterton wäre heute 150 Jahre, 3 Monate, 23 Tage oder 54.902 Tage alt.

Geboren am 29.05.1874 in Kensington/London
Gestorben am 14.06.1936 in Beaconsfield/London
Sternzeichen: ♊ Zwillinge

Weitere 354 Zitate von Gilbert Keith Chesterton