Zitate von Harry Spencer Truman

I have had enough experience in all my years, and have read enough of the past, to know that adivce to grandchildren is usually wasted. If the second and third generations could profit by the experience of the first generation, we would not be having some of the troubles we have today.

Informationen über Harry Spencer Truman

Präsident / 33. / 1945 - 1953, beendete den Krieg gegen Japan durch Atombomben auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki (USA, 1884 - 1972).

Harry Spencer Truman · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Harry Spencer Truman wäre heute 140 Jahre, 4 Monate, 13 Tage oder 51.270 Tage alt.

Geboren am 08.05.1884 in Lamar
Gestorben am 26.12.1972 in Kansas City/Missouri
Sternzeichen: ♉ Stier

Weitere 42 Zitate von Harry Spencer Truman