Zitate von Hl. Thomas von Aquin

Now, the end of our desires is God; hence, the act whereby we are primarily joined to Him is basically and substantially our happiness. But we are primarily united with God by an act of understanding; and therefore, the very seeing of God, which is an act of the intellect, is substantially and basically our happiness.

Informationen über Hl. Thomas von Aquin

Theologe, Philosoph, "Summa theologiae", "Summa contra gentiles" (Italien, 1225 - 1274).

Hl. Thomas von Aquin · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Hl. Thomas von Aquin wäre heute 799 Jahre, 8 Monate, 20 Tage oder 292.092 Tage alt.

Geboren am 01.01.1225 in Burg Roccasecca bei Aquino
Gestorben am 07.03.1274 in Kloster Fossanova
Sternzeichen: ♑ Steinbock

Weitere 259 Zitate von Hl. Thomas von Aquin