Zitate von Prentice Mulford

Goodwill to others is constructive thought. It helps build us up. It is good for your body. It makes your blood purer, your muscles stronger, and your whole form more symmetrical in shape. It is the real elixir of life. The more such thought you attract to you, the more life you will have.

Informationen über Prentice Mulford

Journalist (USA, 1834 - 1891).

Prentice Mulford · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Prentice Mulford wäre heute 190 Jahre, 5 Monate, 16 Tage oder 69.566 Tage alt.

Geboren am 05.04.1834 in Sag Harbor
Gestorben am 31.12.1891 in Long Island
Sternzeichen: ♈ Widder

Weitere 46 Zitate von Prentice Mulford