Zitate von Robert Woodrow Wilson

Ein bekanntes Zitat von Robert Woodrow Wilson:

We Americans live in a scientific world. We use scientific and technological developments to reduce backbreaking labor, to gain shorter working hours and higher pay, to raise our living standards to the world's highest. That is why the scientist's job concerns everybody vitally. Today's pioneer does not wear a coonskin cap or shoulder a rifle. More likely he is wearing a laboratory apron and wielding a stirring rod. He continually finds new lands to explore in his test tubes. His hunting is done with the microscope. He seeks new horizons in the cyclotron.

Informationen über Robert Woodrow Wilson

Radioastronom, Nobelpreis für Physik/1978 (USA, 1936).

Robert Woodrow Wilson · Geburtsdatum

Robert Woodrow Wilson ist heute 88 Jahre, 8 Monate, 11 Tage oder 32.397 Tage jung.

Geboren am 10.01.1936 in Houston/Texas
Sternzeichen: ♑ Steinbock

Weitere 1 Zitate von Robert Woodrow Wilson

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