Zitate von Virginia Woolf

Righteous indignation . . . is misplaced if we agree with the lady's maid that high birth is a form of congenital insanity, that the sufferer merely inherits diseases of his ancestors, and endures them, for the most part very stoically, in one of those comfortably padded lunatic asylums which are known, euphemistically, as the stately homes of England.

Informationen über Virginia Woolf

Schriftstellerin, "Orlando", "Mrs. Dalloway" (England, 1882 - 1941).

Virginia Woolf · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Virginia Woolf wäre heute 142 Jahre, 7 Monate, 27 Tage oder 52.104 Tage alt.

Geboren am 25.01.1882 in London
Gestorben am 25.03.1941 in London
Sternzeichen: ♒ Wassermann

Weitere 40 Zitate von Virginia Woolf