Zitate von Henry George

Political economy is only the economy of human aggregates, and its laws are laws which we may individually recognize. What is required for their elucidation is not long arrays of statitstics nor the collocation of laboriously as certained facts, but that sort of clear thinking which, keeping in mind the distinction between the part and the whole, seeks the relations of familiar things, and which is as possbile for the unlearned as for the learned.

Informationen über Henry George

Sozialphilosoph (USA, 1839 - 1897).

Henry George · Geburtsdatum · Sterbedatum

Henry George wäre heute 185 Jahre, 0 Monate, 19 Tage oder 67.590 Tage alt.

Geboren am 02.09.1839 in Philadelphia
Gestorben am 29.10.1897
Sternzeichen: ♍ Jungfrau

Weitere 16 Zitate von Henry George

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